Archaeology still has many things to reveal about the life and world of Jesus of Nazareth. To touch a two-thousand-year-old pot held by a Jew who lived in a small village frequented by Jesus can bring us closer to understanding those who were touched by Jesus.
Jesus and Archaeology contains the revised and edited lectures that leading archaeologists and biblical scholars presented at a gathering in Jerusalem to celebrate the new millennium. Many contributors came directly from their excavations in places like Bethsaida, Capernaum, Nazareth, and Jerusalem to share their discoveries and insights, focusing on the question In what ways do new archaeological discoveries clarify the world, life, and thought of Jesus from Nazareth? Readers of Jesus and Archaeology will gain many new insights into the life and times of this fascinating Galilean J ew.
"Paul N. Anderson
Rami Arav
Dan Bahat
Richard A. Batey
Avraham Biran
Brian J. Capper
James H. Charlesworth
Bruce Chilton
James D. G. Dunn
J. K. Elliott
Esther Eshel
Craig A. Evans
Sean Freyne
Yizhar Hirschfeld
William Klassen
John S. Kloppenborg
Achim Lichtenberger
Frédéric Manns
John Painter
Michele Piccirillo, O.F.M.
Bargil Pixner, O.S.B.
Emile Puech
John Reumann
Peter Richardson
Henry W. M. Rietz
Daniel R. Schwartz
Benedict Thomas Viviano, O.P.
Urban C. von Wahlde
John W. Welch
Jürgen Zangenberg
Joseph E. Zias"