Alan Roxburgh
"The Roxburgh Missional Network
"Van Gelder has done it again! This is a gem in a great series. The Missional Church and Leadership Formation links the issues of missional leadership with the ongoing life of congregations. It's written by people who love the church, who are listeners, attending to the Spirit among the people of God, reflecting on the practice of leadership in context. Here is a refreshing alternative to all the debunking of ordinary churches and the imposition of romantic ideals."
Mark Lau Branson
"If local churches are to be engaged in the missio Dei, what kinds of leaders are needed? The varied authors here provide historical, theological, and practical insights into why the answer may be different than it was a few decades ago. Can seminaries form those leaders? Possibly. Van Gelder takes us through historical models, from 'resident theologian' through 'pastoral director' to the more recent 'entrepreneurial leaders,' and ably frames why and how a missional ecclesiology needs to reshape how we form competencies that move beyond the early splits between theology and practice or between Wissenschaft and paideia. He even thinks the Holy Spirit has a role. Small, expanding on that later dyad, pushes on theology for theological schools. Other authors here provide case studies or other research regarding churches, leadership, and seminaries. Some emphasize that 'all God's people' need to be in view, several explore specific leadership typologies, and all keep us on the question of how we can best discern and participate in God's initiatives. There are historical and current reasons why this is so difficult — why churches and seminaries need new imaginaries for our work of leadership formation. I am grateful that these colleagues have engaged us, the church and the seminary, in these challenges."