Table of Contents
Brent Laytham and Pat Fosarelli Part One: The Cross and the Cruciform Life
1. Matthew, the Cross, and the Cruciform Life
Rebekah Eklund 2. The Crucified One: Jesus’s Death and Discipleship in the Gospel of Mark
Richard B. Hays 3. Luke and the Cross: A Vision of Crucicentric Discipleship
Frank E. Dicken 4. The Johannine Cross as Revelation of the Father: Finding a Cruciform God in the Fourth Gospel
Christopher W. Skinner 5. Cruciformity and the Believer’s Governing Faculties: Rethinking Ἡγεομαι in Philippians
Nijay K. Gupta Part Two: Participation in Christ, One with God
6. Grasping and Being Grasped: Gift and Agency in Paul
Stephen E. Fowl 7. Baptized into Christ: Romans 6:3–4—the Text on Baptism and Participation
Klyne Snodgrass 8. The Holy Spirit, Justification, and Participation in the Divine Life in Galatians
Ben C. Blackwell 9. Participation in Christ in 1 Peter
Dennis R. Edwards Part Three: Becoming the Gospel in Mission
10. “Follow Me”: The Mandate for Mission in the Gospel of John
Sherri Brown 11. An Alternative Global Imaginary: Imperial Rome’s Pax Romana and Luke’s “Counter Violent” Missio Dei
Drew J. Strait 12. The Past, Present, and Future of Bodily Resurrection as Salvation: Christ, Church, and Cosmos
Andy Johnson 13. Mother Zion Rejoices: Psalm 87 as a Missing Link in Galatians 4
N. T. Wright 14. Citizenship and Empire: A Missional Engagement with Ephesians
Sylvia C. Keesmaat 15. Following the Lamb Wherever He Goes: Missional Ecclesiology in Revelation 7 and 14:1–5
Dean Flemming Epilogue
Brian Gorman, Amy Caruso, Mark Gorman Dr. Michael J. Gorman: Cursus Vitae