Table of Contents:
Proposition 1: History Is Not One Damn Thing after Another
Proposition 2: The End of History Has Already Begun
Proposition 3: American Hope Is A Bastard
Proposition 4: Christianity Is Neither A Prostitute Nor A Chaplain
Proposition 5: The United States Is Not the Hope of the World
Proposition 6: The United States Was Not, Is Not, and Will Not Be a Christian Nation
Proposition 7: How Christian Values, and the Bible, Corrupt Christianity
Proposition 8: Every Empire Falls
Proposition 9: Christian Partisanship is Like a Fist-Fight on the Titanic
Proposition 10: Hostile Forces Have a Role in the Unfolding of History
Proposition 11. Christianity Is Not a Religion; Christianity Is a Politic
Proposition 12: Liberal Political Puissance Is Not the Goal
Proposition 13: Exemplary Political Witness Is the Goal
Proposition 14: Christianity Is Not Counter-Cultural
Propositions 15: Christian Engagement Must Always Be Ad Hoc