Table of Contents
1. The Night He “Was Betrayed”
2. The Persians
3. Hellenism
4. “Zeal” for the Lord
5. The Maccabean Dynasty
6. The Romans
7. The Intruding Idumeans
8. Alliance of Antony and Herod
9. Herod the “Great”
10. Archelaus, Ethnarch of Judea, Idumea, and Samaria
11. Judea
12. The Governor of Judea and the Outbreak of Prophecy
13. Jesus, Prophet and Rabbi
14. The Galilean Blasphemer
15. Annas and Caiaphas
16. Pontius Pilate
17. Herod Antipas
18. The Jewish Trials
19. The Roman Trial of Jesus according to Mark, Matthew, and Luke
20. The Roman Trial according to John
21. Herod Antipas, Jesus, and Pilate
22. The Testimonium Flavianum
23. The Lamb without Blemish in the Gospel of Mark
24. The Annas Vendetta
25. The Passing of the Judges
26. Antinomy
27. The Birth of the Church