Table of Contents
1. ABCs and Beyond
2. Born in a Barn?
3. Camels, Critters, and Calculations
4. Dead Men Walking
5. Eat Whatever Is Set before You
6. Fulfillment Fail?
7. Greasy Jesus?
8. Hate Your Enemies
9. Intent, Interpretation, and Intertextuality
10. Jokes Aside
11. Keep On Keeping the Commandments
12. Language, Please
13. Mud in Your Eye
14. Naked Truth
15. Only One God
16. Plagiarism in the Gospels?
17. Quotation Marks Required
18. Revelations Is Not in the Bible
19. Scribes and Secretaries
20. Telephone Game?
21. Unmentionables
22. Variations and Variants
23. Women With Authority
24. X Marks the Spot
25. Y Chromosome?
26. Zacchaeus, Zebedee, Zebulun, Zechariah