Thank you for your interest in submitting a book proposal to Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing.
Note: If you are a children’s author or illustrator, please refer to the EBYR submission guidelines.
Eerdmans publishes excellent books by well-qualified authors in biblical and theological studies and in religious approaches to philosophy, history, art, literature, ethics, and contemporary social and cultural issues. Target readerships range from academic to semipopular. We are publishing a growing number of books in Christian life, spirituality, and ministry.
Eerdmans does not undertake subsidy publishing for individuals.
Eerdmans will no longer entertain proposals for Festschrifts.
We are now accepting proposals only via email. If you wish to submit a proposal, please attach the following in PDF, MS Word, or RTF format:
- A description of the proposed book that tells us its subject, thesis, target readership, distinguishing characteristics as compared to other books currently available on the subject, proposed length in words, and expected completion date. Tell us what illustrations or other supplemental materials, if any, you want to include in the book. Please also describe your qualifications for writing the book. We also ask that you tell us if you are submitting your material simultaneously to another publisher.
- A draft table of contents with a brief description of the contents of each chapter.
- Your curriculum vitae or résumé.
- If available, one of the following:
- One or two sample chapters (may include a draft introduction).
- Your completed manuscript.
- Another sample of your writing not meant for inclusion in the proposed book but exhibiting the level and style of writing that you intend to use in the proposed book.
If you have been in conversation with one of our acquisitions editors, please email your proposal directly to that editor. Otherwise please send it to submissions@eerdmans.com.
In either case, begin your subject line with the words Book Proposal. Continue your subject line with a concise characterization of the genre and content of the book you are proposing.
An automatic response will confirm receipt of your email, and we will try to respond more fully within eight weeks of receipt. We regret that the high volume of material we receive does not allow us to offer detailed comments on proposals and manuscripts that we are unable to accept.